Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

Read the article below about Veteran's Day.  In the comments section, mention one thing new that you learned and why you think it is important to honor those who have fought for this country.

Veteran's Day Article


  1. I did not know that a temporary cessation of hostilities was declared between allied countries. I also did not know it was on the 11th hour on the11th day of the 11th month. I thought that one of the most amazing veterans died or came into war on the 11th day of the 11th month. I think it is important to honor the people who served for our country, because they all risked their lives to end war and save everyone who lives in their country. We should still honor the people who were even cooks, medics, and supply makers.

  2. This Veteran's day article made me feel happy that we have a day to honor the people that have served a our country and fight for us and our nation. I also learned that Canada also celeabrates veteran's day. I am happy that are country honors these strong people and I hope everyone has understood why we honor these people.

  3. One thing that I learned was that veterans day was on October 25 and they changed that because many states disapproved of it being on that date. I think it is important to honor the people who fight for us or even the veterans because the once fought for us. They risk their own lives keeping us safe.

  4. I learned that Veterans day used to be called Armistice day. It really seemed unnatural for a holiday to have its name changed. It is really exact that it was the 11th day of the 11th hour and so on. Lots of 11s!

  5. I learned a lot of things from this article. I also thought it was very interesting that it happened on the 11th month, of the 11th day, on the 11th hour. I thought that it was great that we had a holiday to celebrate the people who faught for our rights and freedom. Without those people, a lo of things today would have been very different. I am honored to be able to celebrate this holiday, and it has a new meaning in my heart.

  6. I think Veterans Day is an Extraordinary holiday because it is packed with information. Something that stuck out from the passage was that 5.7 million people where part of the World War ll. That is crazy that, that many people risked their lives for us.

  7. I really liked this article about veterin's day because I learned alot of knew things for example I learned that other countries do different things like take a moment of silence to thank the veterins. Just reading this article made me feel how important it is to thank these veterins and appreciatethere service to keep our country free from harm.

  8. Something that I didn't know was that the Great War was on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. Another thing I didn't know was that on November 11, 1921, an unidentified American soldier killed in the war was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. I think it is really important to thank any Veterans for there service.

  9. One fact learned about veterans is that on May 13, 1938 November 11th became a Federal holiday. I think it is good to honor veterans because they helped us when we needed them to, and they fought to save our country. Thank you veterans!

  10. I learned that the Federal Government doesn't require states to celebrate National Holidays, although most states do. Those holidays are always days off for federal employees. Vetarans are very important. And, of course, thank you to all who have served our country.

  11. I learned that other countries celebrate Veterans day too but a little bit different. Other countries should celebrate Veterans day not only the United States should celebrate Veterans day because Veterans fight for our country and protect us and the whole world should honor them.

  12. I learned that Veteran's Day was originally Armistice Day, and that Veteran's Day became a legal holiday in 1938. I feel strongly that we should support Veteran's day because we should honor the people who have left their families and missed so many great times to serve and protect our country. They were risking their lives to protect us. Also, some of them have been handicapped. Some of them even died. This is why I feel that Veteran's Day is a very important day to honor these lovely men and women.

  13. Intresting, I didn't know that Veterans Day used to be called Armistes Day. I learned alot. I thoght they just selected a random day for Veterans Day, but there was a reason for the day.

  14. I learned that Veterans day took place after a war. I never knew that it took place after a war. I think the articel taught me alot about veterans day.

  15. I learned that the red poppies is a symbol of World War and I also learned that they are sold in Canada and the United Kingdom to raise money for the veterans and or worn in the lapel of tribute. I think that we should defiantly honor our veterans because they risked everything that they had, including their life's, to protect us. I think it is also really important to tell them thanks if we ever see one of them out on the street, in a restaurant, or anywhere else. I think that maybe someone else was thinking about all of this when veterans day was created.
    So in conclusion, I think that it is and will always be important to celebrate veterans day.

  16. I learned that veterans day is celebrated on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. I really didn't think that it was so specific. I really think veterans day is important because we are thanking the ones who have fought and protected out beloved country.

  17. I learned that on the 11th day. of the 11th day, of the 11th month, Veterans Day is celebrated. We put out red poppies to represent World War 1. When ever it's possible, I say thank you for the veterans who helped our country. it's an amazing feeling you get when you say, thank you to a veteran. It feels like you are helping the people who help you. When it's veterans day, say thanks to the people who help you

  18. I learned that the observation of Veterans Day was set to be the fourth Monday in October. The first Veterans Day under the new law was Monday, October 25, 1971. I thank all the men and women who serve or served in the army. My grandfather fought in the Vietnam war and I recently went to his house to celebrate with him. I cherished the moment.

  19. This passage was very informative. One thing I learned was that red poppies represent World War 1 because of their appearance in the poem "In Flanders Fields."
    Britain, France, Australia, and Canada also celebrate Veterans Day.

  20. I learned that Veterans day was not a real holiday until the fourth Monday in October in 1938. I learned a lot about Veterans day and I hope to learn more.

  21. I learned a lot of things, but one that stuck out to me is that Veterans Day used to be called Armistes Day. I never knew that it used to be called that. Thank you veterans!!

  22. I learned so many things in this article like how in Americas effort during world war 2 saw the greatest mobilization of the U.S army navy air force, and marines. This was a important fact. It is important that we respect our veterans in every way we can. They put there lives on the line to help there country.

  23. I learned that the red poppies represent the World War's. I also learned that Veterans Day used to be called Armistice Day. I think that it is important that we celebrate this holiday because several of us kids at least have one veteran in our family. I also think we should celebrate this holiday because we should honor all the veterans in this world!
