Thursday, October 23, 2014

Travel with The Corps of Discovery

Today you will be taking a journey with the Corps of Discovery.  You will have to make decisions along the way to ensure a successful journey and the safety of your crew members.  Follow the link below.  Make sure to not only read about the journey but click on the "Did You Know?" and "Journal" icons.  Once you have completed your journey, write in the comments section of the blog.  First, talk about one new thing you learned from the webquest that you did not previously know.  Second, discuss one of the decisions you made that set you back.  What did you learn from this decision?

Lewis and Clark Webquest


  1. I really enjoyed this project because I got to know what it was like to be with Lewis and Clark. I took a lot of notes but one one of my favorite parts is when I met Sacagewea because there were a lot of good facts about her. Like that they met her when she was a teenager. A nother cool fact about Sacagewea is that when she was little she got captured from her original tribe, and later, with Lewis and Clark, she found her brother. Her brother was the cheif of the tribe. The last fact I would like to share about Sacagewea is the she traveled all around America with a baby on here back. Wow!

  2. I learned that an Indian chief mapped the rivers to the ocean on elk skin for Lewis and Clark. I made no mistakes but I almost died a lot of times. I learned that you have to make decissions carefully.

  3. This was really interesting and I learned a lot. The decisions I had to make were pretty easy but some made me confused and I had to think it over. I learned that some hunters had to chase buffalo off a cliff and collect the remains at the bottom. This project was very interesting and and I had to make lots of dangerous decisions.

  4. I learned that Lewis and Clark had to cut down trees and burn the inside of them to make canoes to sail down a river. They usually left just after they finished. One of my setbacks was choosing the "Camp until spring" option and I lost some time because I had to go back and choose the other option. I thought this simulation was very interesting with a lot of intruiguing twists and turns.

  5. Did you know?
    Did you know that the Indians and captains trade for goods, such as mirros, flags, beads, hats, coats, and tobacco. To smoke a pipe with the Indians would show a sign of friendship

  6. I learned that, A chief twisted his hair and he was a member of the Nez Perce of a tribe and he mapped the rivers if the Pacific on an elk skin for Lewis and Clark.

  7. I learned that Lewis and Clark actually need paper more then a great food supply on their journey. It suprised me because I thought it would be more important that the crew would have no chance of starvation rather then a supply of paper. I also learned that in order to actually achieve Thomas Jefferson's goal of making a map of his new purchase, the crew would need paper to make notes and to make a map. I made the wrong choice when I decided to take food supply over a paper supply. I was sent back to the questionto rethink my answer, but I now understand the reason. Even though I made one wrong option, I still really loved this assignment.

  8. I learned a lot from this game. Like how Sacagewea was captured at a young age. When Lewis and Clark found her, she found her brother. During this game I made a bad choice. I did not wait until spring to climb the mountains. I lost our guide and a horse. This game was very intresting and I reccomend this to teachers and students studing Lewis and Clark.

  9. I enjoyed the Lewis and Clark game because you really had to think about you do. you also are learning wile you are playing. One fact that I learned was that plains Indians would chase buffalo off a cliff instead of shooting them with bow and arrows. I thought this was very fun.

  10. This experience of traveling with Meriwether Lewis and Willam Clark was marvelous! One of the facts I learned was that Sacagawea joined the journey in North Dakota, another fact that I learned was that The Corps Of Discovery made it to Washington from St. Lewis in March 23,1806. One thing I had trouble with was choosing either to trade with the Native Americans or to continue the journey, I choose continue the journey and my crew died because we had no food from not trading with the Native Americans. Traveling with Lewis and Clark was full of fun and learning!

  11. The Lewis and Clark game was fun for me because when you had to answer the question, you have to think hard about your answer. If you get it correct, great! If you don't you can just press back and click the right answer. Also, it was so fun to read all the information about Lewis and Clark's journey and my favorite part was when I learned about how they encountered a tribe and stood their ground until the Natives ran off.

  12. I had a lot of fun trying out this game. One thing I learned is that Lewis and Clark got chased by a bear and they jumped in the river and the bear came right behind them. One thing I did wrong was at the start of the game I chose food instead of paper. This was a wonderful game and I thought a learned a lot about Lewis and Clark.

  13. One thing that I learned is that if you are ever in a blizzard, instead of going ahead with your journey in the snow, you should wait until spring comes. One thing that really helped in the game was when the slide asked you if you would take a pregnant Indian women along with you. I said yes because if we ever ran into an Indian tribe that did not know whether or not to trust us, she could tell them that we come in peace. That really benefited me later in the game.

  14. I loved traveling with Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. I learned that they raced to where they were going at sea. I also learned that Sacagawea joined them in North Dakota. I had trouble with choosing if I should go South or North. I chose South because if I went North then it would have took longer. Traveling with them was fun, creative, and you had to think!

  15. This was quite a fun computer voyage. One fact I learned was on March 23, 1806 Lewis and Clack turned the voyage around and headed home. One of the decisions that sent be back was, when it said the Natives are attacking I pressed stand and fight when I should have pressed surrender and give them the goods we had. But out of no were the Natives chief told the men to go away and the voyage was saved! I had lots of fun with this voyage. Thanks Lewis and Clark for taking me on this voyage

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  17. I enjoyed this Lewis & Clark game because you really had to think about what your doing. A fact I learned about Lewis & Clark was that they paddled there new canoes straight through the most treacherous rapids on the Columbia River!

  18. I really enjoyed the Lewis and Clark passage/game because it was very imformational and fun. I liked it when it gave us all the option to choose what we wanted to pick:) One question I got wrong was the question that said, (*North Fork,*South Fork) now I understand the question better. I hope that we can do this activity again, because it was really fun and gave us realy good info.

  19. The Lewis & Clark Webquest was Fun. I Learned that Sacagawea was pregnant when she started on the expedition. I also learned that an Indian Chief had the name "Twisted Hair". I didn't make any mistakes, once I figured out how to do the webquest. I went slowly, trying to make sure that I survived. I hope that we get to do a Webquest again.

  20. I learned that there were many hard disicions to make as a chief and that Sacagawea was pregnant at the very begining of the voyage and gave birth during the voyage. I made some mistakes on the game and now I know a little bit more about the things that could happen. One of the last things I learned was that Lewis and Clark ran into several Native American tribes. I think that this game was a great idea and everybody learned something knew.
