Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Lost Colony of Roanoke

Years before the Jamestown settlement of 1607, there was an earlier settlement in 1588.  However, many mysteries surround what happened to this particular colony.  No one is quite sure.  This colony is still known as "The Lost Colony of Roanoke". Click the link below to read the article, then write a blog post defending what theory you believe.  Make sure to support your choice with reasons why you feel that is the more probable theory.

The Lost Colony of Roanoke


  1. I agree with number four because it said that the native tribe was named after the English people. If the English never left the island,the natives would have never been named after them. Therefore the theory that they left the island to live with the natives, to me is the only one that makes sense.

  2. I believe in the fifth theory. The fact that a few years before that the natives killed the people. It is completely plausable that that happened again. Also, I can completely see Native Americans doing that when they're mad. They may be mad, for they thought it was their land.

  3. I agree wit the fifth theory it was the most likely. I feel like the Native Americans were most likely to kill the Europeans because they tried to make them slaves

  4. I agree with number five. I agree with five because it is the most belived. Also because it makes sense that the natives would kill them.

  5. I believe that the "lost colony" was abolished by Native Americans in a course of the two to three year time period. In this time, I think that natives possibly killed all English settlers, and to cover their tracks, tear down all the houses. I also believe that others surrendered so they wouldn't be killed. I believe that this is true because a hurricane couldn’t have done that much damage to leave a fence standing. The fence was a fence that John White found when he came back after two to three years. I also believe this because I do not think the English settlers would just leave the settlement. I mean, they really wanted stay and actually settle there. This is why I believe that natives killed everyone and others surrendered.

  6. I believe the fourth theory because, with no supplies, I would have gone with the Native Americans to a island called Croatoan which was carved into a tree when John Smith got back to Roanoke.

  7. I think that the natives killed the people because the tribe name was wrote on the fence and maybe the natives wrote that after they killed the people. Probably the natives hid the bodies like they said in the passage.

  8. I agree with the first theory because it makes the most sense to me. First of all all the other theorys are dark and this one is not so much. Second, they might of used up all the natural resourses there.

  9. I really think it is the first theory because if it was the fifth theory the fence around the perimeter would be broken because the natives would have fully charged and destroyed everything in their path. I also think it was #1 because the colonists would have left because White was taking a little to long of a trip and the people would have gotten bored and mad and then completely mad and leave to somewhere else with more plentiful resources.

  10. I believe in the number 5 explanation. John White was gone for three years. It was very possible that the Native Americans could have killed all of them and destroyed their houses. It also said earlier in the passage that there was a fence with the word Croatoan on it, some small cannons, and an open chest. I have no theory about the chest, but I think I have a few explanations for the fence and cannons. I'm thinking that the fence with the name on it was put in after the attack. I'm guessing that maybe the tribes name was Croatoan, and they wanted to claim the land to be their's after their attack on the colony. I think there was also proof that they were under attack by the Native Americans. In the passage it said that there was cannons in the ghost town. I'm thinking that the Native Americans didn't have the right materials to build the cannons back then, but maybe the Roanoke colony used the cannons to defend themselves. I think that maybe the Native Americans decided not to take the cannons with them when they decided to destroy the village. Hopefully now you can see the reasons why I think that the reason for the abandoned town was reason number 5.

  11. I agree with the fifth theory. It was most likely that the natives waited until Jhon White left to kill them because they wanted some goods and tools. I can see the Native Americans trying to do that because they have materials to survive that the Native Americans don't have. The mystery of the word ''Croatoan'' that is a different story

  12. Mysterious, I think it was a hurricane and disease combined. I think a bad disease started spreading, and then a hurricane hit. Then I think the survivors started to rebuild the village but then they died before they could get to finish.

  13. I believe in the fourth theory because it is most likely to be true. the Native Americans could very well be living with the (former) Roanoke settlers because they hated the place.

  14. I agree with theory number 5. One reason I do is because it is the most likely theory to happen. I also agree that Native Amerivans are most likely to kill Europeans.

  15. i believe in the fifth theory. If I were a Native, I would definitely kill the Europeans. Being a slave does not feel good, and I would want to do something about it.However, killing would probably be my harshest response.

  16. i agree withthe fifth theory because i believe that people would not just leave their homes. They must have been killed or died of disease, probably because the Europeans tried to make them slaves so they fought back.

  17. I think that the Native Americans had a reason for kiling the English wich was that the English tried to take there land and capture them as slaves. At the end I really enjoyed reading the passage.

  18. I believe in the fifth theory. I think the Native Americans were trying to kill the Europeans because they used the Native Americans as slaves.

  19. I beileve the fourth theory the most out of all of them. I mostly feel that the europeans were tired of living in the colony of Roankoe island, and tore down the houses and moved in with the natives.

  20. I loved reading about the fifth theory, it was veery informational. I feel like the Natives wanted to kill the Europeans because the Europeans wanted the Natives to be slaves, but after the Natives found that out, they directly wanted to kill them. Besides that, I feel like I learned a lot from this passage!!!!

  21. I agree with the fifth theory because the natives might have know john was gone and that was a weak time for the village witch means better for the natives. The dead bodies might have been a good use for the natives so they took the bodies with there. for the missing houses they could have needed to get supplies so they took the houses. I also think they had to much to carry so they left the fence and showed pride by marking there victory. That is my guess about the missing colany off Roanoke

  22. I belive that the nice Indians planned a sneek attack on the colony. I think that because on the gate it said the name of a tribe.
