Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The State of The Union Address

Last night President Obama gave his State of the Union Address.  This speech allows the president to discuss how the country is doing in a televised event.  Read the article below.  Discuss some of the main topics in his speech What are his goals?  Where have we made progress already?  Proofread your answer before submitting it.  Make sure your answer is thorough and addresses all the points you found to be important in the article.

State of the Union Article


  1. I think that Obama gave a great speech. I am very happy that they are trying really hard to stop cyber attacks, so that our internet is working and secure. I am also excited that the Afghanistan war is over, so that our nation can spend it's money on more important things. It is great that Obama is trying to provide free college, for there will be less poor and homeless people. We have made progress by having more jobs, so that people can make more money. If people have money to spend, our economy will be better. Overall, I think Obama is doing a great job.

  2. Obama's goals are to increase taxes on the wealthy and to decrease taxes on middle-class Americans. More goals are to provide free community college throughout America. We have made progress by ending a 13 year old combat mission with Afghanistan. We have also created more jobs for people in America. I think that we will accomplish these goals and progress further, as one country.

  3. One of the main topics in his speech were his goals. One of his goals that really stood out to me was his one about how he wanted to raise taxes on the rich and lower taxes on the middle-class Americans. We have already made progress in the homes that are smaller getting charging less. I also found his goal about women being payed as much as men very important. I think that it's not fair that women would be payed less than men for the same job. If a man worked as a doctor and got $100 every week, it wouldn't be fair if a women got $80 a week.
    In conclusion, I think that President Obama set very good goals for the next two years, and I also think that it would be very great if he can accomplish them.

  4. Obama is very passionate about the fact that everyone should be treated as an equal. Whether they are a man, woman, rich, poor... it doesn't matter. Obama also believes that if someone cannot afford an education, they should still be able to get one. He believes in getting a community college that would be free to everyone. It doesn't matter if you are very poor, but as long as your heart is in the right place you should be able to get educated.

  5. On January 20, 2015, President Barak Obama gave his State of the Union Address. He started his speech by saying how 2014 was a break through year. He addressed how the nation's economy is growing, how new jobs are being created at the fastest pace since 1999, and that the combat mission in Afghanistan came to an end.Then he addressed his goals for 2015. They were to work with the Republican controlled Congress to make the country stronger, pass a law that makes sure that women are payed as much as men for the same work, provide free community college for free for 2 years, raise taxes for the rich and lower taxes for the middle class Americans, pass laws that protect Americans from cyber attacks, and ask Congress to authorize force against ISIS a terrorist group in Iraq and neighboring countries. The goals for this year, the accomplishments of last year, and looking forward were his main subjects in his speech.

  6. Obama is a man who makes things turn out okay when times get hard. Obama gave some goals in his newest speech one of those goals were to lower taxes on the middle class and raise it on the richer family's. Another goal that he said was to provide free community college to those who could not afford it. He thought everyone should get a chance for education

  7. Obama talked about how everyone no matter what color, or what culture should always be treated the same. Also he talked about how the Afghanistan war was over. It is good for every person in the world to know that a big war is over. He also says that everyone should get educated no matter how wealthy or how different they are. Always embrace yourself and be who you are. Then he talked about how he wants a community college so even if you can't afford a house, you can have an education and get a job, so soon you can buy a house.
