Friday, January 30, 2015

Road to The Revolution - Causes of the Revolutionary War

Click on the link below.   Once you get to the webpage, there are several other links siting some of the potential causes of the Revolutionary War.  Choose, 3 of the links to read.  Then leave some big picture questions you have in the comments below after reading the research.  These may be potential questions for your future research paper.

Causes of the Revolutionary War


  1. I was wondering why the French and Indian war started because, lands shouldn't fight over other lands and we should all just equally share the lands because people go crazy for power, and they forget what is really important: Equality.

  2. 1. Why did the British choose to tax on stamps?

    2. Why did someone taunt an officer?

    3. Why were the soldiers allowed to be tried?

  3. Why did the French and Indain war happen?
    Why did they throw tea into the Boston Bay?
    How did the Sons of Liberty form and who thought of the group?

  4. Why did the French and Indian War last so long? Why was the Sons of Liberty founded? And, why did the British land in Boston?

  5. Today our class read about causes of the Revolutionary War. The topics I choose to learn about were The Boston Massarce, the Boston Tea Party, and Gutter Gaspee Burned. A few of my questions were, why was Gaspee hated? When the men set the Gaspee on fire, did the men regret doing it? At the Boston Tea Party, who decided in the first place to throw out the tea? Did anyone who wanted the taxes to stay still throw the tea out of ships? Why did the british only kill five colonists at the Massacre? Lastly, why did British decide to do it in the first place

  6. Why did they throw nine hundred thousand pounds of tea of the ship? Why were the English ordering taxes to America.

  7. 1-What was Sons Of Liberty created for?
    2-Why did they have British soldiers in Boston in the first place?
    3-What was France trying to do in the French-Indian war? Helping England or the colonies

  8. 1: Whos idea was it to dump the tea in the river?
    2: Why did the British officers have no problem finding lodging and being accepted to the Boston Society?
    3: Why did the British decid to maintain a larger troop deployment in North America?

  9. Article 1, French and Indian war: Why did the French expand into British land if they knew the British would put up a fight, did they do it to start the war on purpose?
    Article 2,Townshend Acts Repealed: Did people boycott British goods because they wanted to bankrupt the British govenment?
    Article 3,Quartering Act: If the colonists didn't want to pay for the troops and the barracks, why didn't they just wait until they earned more money to pay for it instead of making a bigger problem by complaining about it?

  10. My question for the Bostion Tea party is why did they dump tea into the ocean? My question for the Bostion massacure is how did it start. My question for the Gaspee fire is why did the crew set there ship on fire?

  11. The articles I chose to read and ask questions about were The Boston Tea Party, colonists respond with the Boycott, and The French and Indian War. My question for The Boston Tea Party is why did they dump the tea into the Boston Harbor? My question for the colonists respond with the Boycott is how long did the Boycott last? My question for The French and Indian War is why was William Pitt chosen to be the British Secretary of State?

  12. Were there moree attack by the British and French, if the british did not know what would happen if they landed on Boston port, why did they go, and who was Paul Revere.

  13. I want to know why John Dickinson made the 12 letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania because why didn't someone else write it, or why was he the only one to make it, or why there was only 12?

  14. Why would people dump tea in the ocean if it was bad for the earth?
    Why would Hull attack Canada if it was a bad idea?
    Why would people fight about stamps?

  15. My first out of my three questions is why did England want more money from the colonys? My second question is what caused John Dickson to write his letters? My third question is what trigered the first Continental Congress meeting?

  16. During the British and Indian war how did they decide who won? During the Boston Tea party did they select a special date to rebel against England? What was court like during to Boston Massacre?

  17. Why were the colonists that dumped the tea into Boston Harbor dressed as Mohawk Indians? What was Thomas Lindsay doing that the Gaspee would stop her for? Why didn't New Hampshire Particapate in the boycott?

  18. British Tea Party: How did nobody notice the people throwing 90,000 pounds of tea overboard eaven if they were dressed up as indians?
    Stamp Act Imposision: Who decided that the taxes should stay and where was he from?
    Stamp Act Imposision:When did the colonies start to have representatives to go to Britin to discuss taxes and how long did it take for britin to respond and why did they say yes?

  19. 1) Why did the French want to fight with the Indians. Why couldn't they be friends or just be nice to each other?

    2) Why did people have to pay for tea?

    3) Why did British send troops to clash with the colonies?

  20. 1: Boston Tea Party. Why did the colonists dress as Indians while throwing tea over into the Boston river instead of dressing as something else?
    2: Did men and women go as part of the 60 people that went looking for Gaspee, or was i just men?
    3: In the Stamp act, why did the British feel like they needed more money than they already had, if they had so much?

  21. I read 3 articles about the causes of the revolutionary war. These causes are the Boston massacre, colonist respond with boycott, and sons of liberty formed. I have a question for the Boston massacre it is why were British forces guarding custom house on king street? My other question is about the sons of liberty why were they called the sons of liberty? and, the last question is about the colonist boycott my question is why would new Hampsire not agree with the boycott?

  22. I was wondering why the British would bully the colonies like that. They were forcing another country to take care of their people.

  23. 1- Why were the Bostainians so upset with the government?
    2- Why did Lord Hillsborough dispatch 4,000 troops to restore order in Boston?
    3- Why did the colonists of Boston taunt the British soldiers?
