Thursday, October 23, 2014

Travel with The Corps of Discovery

Today you will be taking a journey with the Corps of Discovery.  You will have to make decisions along the way to ensure a successful journey and the safety of your crew members.  Follow the link below.  Make sure to not only read about the journey but click on the "Did You Know?" and "Journal" icons.  Once you have completed your journey, write in the comments section of the blog.  First, talk about one new thing you learned from the webquest that you did not previously know.  Second, discuss one of the decisions you made that set you back.  What did you learn from this decision?

Lewis and Clark Webquest

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Explorer Power Point Project

You will be working in teams of two to create a Power Point Presentation.  Not only will you be creating this Power Point, you will be giving the presentation to the class once it is complete.

1) Your Power Point will be 7 Slides long.
Slide 1  - Title slide with team members names
Slide 2 - 7 - Each slide will discuss each explorer.

2) Before you begin, look at the explorers below.  Come up with a question you have about each of the explorers.  This will be what drives your research.  Each slide will answer the question, as well as give a brief background (dates of birth and death, where they were from and discoveries).

3) Each slide will also include a picture of your explorer.

4) You may choose the order in which you want to present the explorers.  Think about what would make sense in how you present them.  Consider comparing and contrasting the explorers when giving your speech as well.

Here are the links below.  If you choose to do additional research beyond the provided sites, make sure Mrs. Dussault approves your search first.  We will discuss how to make the most effective and safest search.