Monday, January 5, 2015

Quaker Colonial Village

We have discussed some of the background information for the Quaker colony in Pennsylvania.  Now that the class has voted, and our colonial village will be about the Quakers, read the article in the following link.  Come up with questions you now have about this group of people, the colony and their life back in England.  Please pose at least 2 questions in your blog post.

Info about the Quakers


  1. I read the info on the Quakers and i have my two questions:
    #1 why did they have to make fun of the Quakers so much for their religion and
    #2 why did they call William Penn's land, Pennsylvania ? there is the Penn part, but where did the rest come into play?

  2. Why did King Charles the second owe William Penn's father so much money?
    Why did William Penn make it so the church was not a tax-supported church?

  3. What did the king and his men do to the Quakers? How much money did William Penn make?

  4. Why didn'y William Penn want to be royal? I would!
    How did William Penn and King Charles the ll meet, and what age did they meet?

  5. I thought this article was very interesting. I wonder how the Quakers got out of jail? I also wonder why the king owed the penns? I wonder how William Penn advertised his idea? I think that the answers will be quite interesting.

  6. How old was William Penn in 1691? Another question I have is when did William Penn get his land?

  7. 1: How did Penn's Woods turn into Pennsylvania?
    2: Why did King Charles give Willam Penn land instead of money? Did Penn want the land or the money?

  8. i have two questions about the Quakers #1 Did Quakers have weapons to defend themselves? #2 why did they despise Quakers

  9. Why did they make fun of the quakers?
    Why did they believe in total equality?

  10. Why did the Puritans target the Quakers?
    Also,what would the people in England do when the quakers did not pay there taxes because the proceeds assist the military?

  11. Why is the land call "Pennsylvania" not Penn's Woodlands?
    Also, What made it so King Charles the second was in so much dept to Penn's father?

  12. (1) Why wouldn't the Quakers pay taxes? Didn't they loose there houses.
    (2) Did the Quakers have jails? They were so peaceful.

  13. If the Quakers thought that everyone was equal, then why would they name a State after someone? Isn't that saying that that person is better than the others? Also did all the Quakers go to Pennsylvania with Penn?

  14. 1) How much money much does Charles II owe Willam Penn's father?
    2) Why did the Quakers not follow the laws if they were peaceful?

  15. What did King Chareles owe William Penn for?
    Why were the Quakers so peaceful?

  16. How much was the debt Charles the second owed his father?

    How long did the Quakers spend in English jail?

  17. Why would the Quakers refuse to fight I the war? Why did Quakers want to live the way they lived?

  18. I liked reading this passage, here bare my questions.
    1) why did the Quakers not have to pay taxes?
    2) Why did King Charles the second owe William Penn's father so much money?

  19. Why were the Quakers so peacful? Did they ever have a war? I wonder what they would do if someone broke a law? Did they even have weapons? I am so exited to learn more about them.

  20. why was there no tax support on church?
    why did only women participate in meetings?
    what made Philadelphia the capitol?

  21. 1~Why did William Penn choose the name "Pennsylvania" instead of something else

    2~Did he put a limit on how many people could live in "Pennsylvania".
