Sunday, October 5, 2014

Explorer Power Point Project

You will be working in teams of two to create a Power Point Presentation.  Not only will you be creating this Power Point, you will be giving the presentation to the class once it is complete.

1) Your Power Point will be 7 Slides long.
Slide 1  - Title slide with team members names
Slide 2 - 7 - Each slide will discuss each explorer.

2) Before you begin, look at the explorers below.  Come up with a question you have about each of the explorers.  This will be what drives your research.  Each slide will answer the question, as well as give a brief background (dates of birth and death, where they were from and discoveries).

3) Each slide will also include a picture of your explorer.

4) You may choose the order in which you want to present the explorers.  Think about what would make sense in how you present them.  Consider comparing and contrasting the explorers when giving your speech as well.

Here are the links below.  If you choose to do additional research beyond the provided sites, make sure Mrs. Dussault approves your search first.  We will discuss how to make the most effective and safest search.


  1. I really enjoyed the creativity, detail and humor in your Explorer Power Point presentations. I am looking forward to seeing the rest. Great job!

  2. I want to thank my wonderful partner, Ella, for being so kind and creative during the time we were working on our power point together. It was so nice having someone new in our class and getting to know them by working side by side.

  3. Thank you Ryan for being such a great partner on our power point. You helped me a lot with the typing and research. Your Ideas were creative. You were kind and not at all crazy. I liked working with you on the power point because it was fun to come up with the ideas, pictures and research.

  4. I want to say thank you to my partner Zack for being very cooperative. He was a lot of help and without him our powerpoint wouldn't have been half as good. So thank you for being a good partner Zack.

  5. I want to thank my partner Jonathan who is an awesome, smart, and creative person to work with. I could not do that power point without him.

  6. Thank you Ashley for helping me find good photos for the Powerpoint. You also could type really fast, so that we had time for animations and transitions. You were a great partner for the Powerpoint.

    1. Thanks Alec, you were (again a great partner.) Maybe we can work again together! You did a really good job!!!!

  7. Thank you Alex you were a great partner to work with. You were good at the making of the powerpoint, and were patient all the way until we finished, that is why you are a great partner.

  8. Thank you Sofia for being a great partner. If it wasn't for you, my power point wouldn't be the same and wouldn't be good. All your ideas were imaginative and creative. It was really fun coming up with everything to put in the power point like the fonts, the pictures, and the transitions and animations.You helped a lot with the research. Thank again for being a fun, kind, friendly, imaginative, thoughtful, inspiring, funny, supporting partner.

  9. Dear Olivia,
    Thank you for being such a fantastic partner. You always would pick great pictures and information. If I had any other partner I am not sure if they would have been as easy going as your were. I fell like we make a really good team.

  10. Dear Alejandro thankyou for being a great partner and the Power Point wouldn't look the same without you. And I think that you are really nice to work with.

  11. Willow, you were an amazing partner on this project. If it wasn't for you, our power point would have been a mess. It all would have been out of order, and had very little deatail. You were the best partner I ever had

  12. Thank you Cosima for being a great powerpoint partner. You were creative, and thought of lots of great ideas. Once again, thank you for being a wonderful partner

  13. Jack W, our powerpoint we did together was amazing. If we did not work as a group, I would of not of had a good powerpoint. During the making of the powerpoint, you were funny and intresting. I felt like I learned more about you. I laughed so much workig with you. You helped me with a lot of reaserch and information. Thank you once again for being the best partner I could be paired up with. You are fun, funny, cool, awesome, and intresting. Thank you!!!!!

  14. I worked with myself, but I have some pros and cons about working alone. It was great to work alone because I felt that I didn't have to be bossy. I could also really consontrate on my power point instead of talking too much with a partner. It was bad because it was a lot of work to do all by myself, and it also got really lonely. In the end though, I managged to stay happy and was really proud of myself.

  15. Thank you Jordan for being an incredibly great powerpoint partner. I really enjoyed creating funny quotes with you and adding transitions and animations. You presented great, and I really thank you for being such a great and understanding partner.

  16. Thank you JM for being the best PP partner in the world! You are the the bomb dot com! Those transitions were amazing, and the sound effects. thanks for being my partner bro 0.o

  17. Thank you Spencer for being a great partner! If I had to work alone there would not be a Powerpoint. You are really creative with the transitions and how you chose the design for the Powerpoint.

  18. Spencer, thank you for being a great partner. I learned a lot about you during this power point. On the first day, we both wanted diffrent people so we were both a little nevous. I had the best time working on this power point and I hope you didi to.

  19. I want to thank my amazing partner Tobey for begin so open minded to every idea I had. His ideas were funny and a great addition to the project. He brought so much enthusiasm to the presentation which made it way more fun to work on. He was a great partner.

  20. Alec,
    Thank you for doing an amazing job on our PowerPoint. Our PowerPoint wouldnt have been that good, if it was just me,thank you again for doing a great job on picking good information, and making the PP better than ever. Thanks!!

  21. Thank you for your help on the powerpoint, Sophie. If you didn't help the powerpoint would have been a lot worse.

  22. Thank you Sophia for being a great partner for our power point. If we had to make a power point alone, mine would be horrible. You were a great partner.

  23. I want to thank Noah, for being a great partner.I also had a lot of fun making the power point with you. You created a really awesome title, and I thought you knew a lot of facts that I didn't! Thank you.

  24. thanks jm for being my power point partner. It was really fun and funny. I think people like it. I think. I do not know, but on the other hand I liked it, and i hope you liked it too

  25. Dear Lawerance,
    Thank you for being an amazing partner. It was interesting to work with you because we never have worked together. I learned a lot from you, and thank you for being so commited and hard working towards this project. Hopefully we will work together again soon. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

  26. Dear Aden,
    You are an amazing person to work with. You did a fantsatic job writing it. I think we did great Power Point together. If I did it all by myself it wouldn't be as good as the Power Point we did together. You also did a great job at presentaion. You did a great job with the transitions and animations.


  27. I learned that they didn't bring a lot of food because it could get old. Also I learned that Saccagwa was very young when she had her baby.

  28. I would like to compliment my partner Aidan. He worked so good with me. If I worked alone, the power point would be a mess! Thanks Aidan for being such a great partner. Oh by the way, your the BOMB DOT COM!

  29. When I was doing my webquest, I made the mistake of bringing loads of heavy food instead of paper to draw my maps. I did that, and I almost died on my journey through the mountains. Luckiy I made it! I had alot of close calls, but I survied the journey. I thought this was a fun and lovely website to experience.

  30. The webquest taught me that you should take enyone who is healthy because they might surprise you. In the webquest I made a bad dissison to keep going in a blizzard. I also made a dissison of taking food instead of paper because it could put to much strain on someones back.

  31. When I was on the exploration with Lewis and Clark, I had made the mistake of staying to camp out at the same area that we were at originally. Other than that, I made no other mistakes. Also, I learned that it is very hard to make the disicions on a exploration, ecspecially the fait of the crew is on the line. This one simulation has changed the way I think about the discisions I will make in life. I am just saying, this one simulation has saved my llife.

  32. One thing that I learned was that if one bullet was fired at an Indian it would stop the whole journey because the Indians were really helpful to Lewis and Clark. One mistake I made was I choose food over paper. What I learned from that mistake that I made was it would put to much strain and weight on somebody's back to carry and the food would go bad very quickly

  33. When I did the quest, I chose the food but than i decided to choose paper because it didn't look like a good idea from the context. I moved on and found the Native Americans attacking me! I chose stand my ground, hoping i would live to see my 11th b-day, and the Leader of the tribe calls them off. Whew! for a moment i thought i chose wrong! I eventually find Sacagawea and let her on the journey and we all make it to the ocean!

  34. One fascinating fact that I learned about veterans was that Red Poppies is a symbol for World War One, another fact that I learned was that Veterans Day became a day on November 11, 1918 by Woodrow Wilson. One way to honor veterans is to thank them for their service when they walk by. It is important to honor veterans because they are a huge part of serving our country, and they leave their friends and family to make our country a better place.

  35. I think theory 5 is what happened because it looks like it was raided due to the open chest and cannons. That is why I think it was theory 5 that happened. I don't know who won or why they fought but the passage left some clues to find out.

  36. One fact I learned was that red poppies represent world war 1, and that Dwight Eisenhower signed a legislation on June 1, 1954 to celebrate all soldiers. The first Veterans day was in 1971.

  37. I think theory 4 is what happened because they had anuff time to take every thing down. Croation might mean there still on the island.
